Can homeopathic treat psoriasis? Know here

 Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which the life cycle of skin cells is sped up. This causes cells to build upon the surface of the skin. These cells form silver-colored scales and red or purple patches that may be itchy or painful. The scales may cover large areas of your body or be just small spots.

Psoriasis is a chronic condition. You may have flare-ups, with clear periods in between. Some people with psoriasis may be curious about homeopathic treatments. These treatments are derived from minerals, plants, chemicals, and human and animal secretions and excretions, such as snake venom. They’re used as tinctures, or orally. There are many homeopaths who provide psoriasis treatment in Bannerghatta Road.

psoriasis treatment

Homeopathic medicine is based on two theories. The first is “like cures like,” which means that an illness can be cured by a substance that causes similar symptoms in healthy people. The second is the “law of minimum dose,” which means that the lower the dose, the more effective it is.

psoriasis is a genetic condition, some of the most commonly touted homeopathic treatments for psoriasis include those listed below.

Sepia is used by some people who practice homeopathy for widespread psoriasis and dry skin. However, there’s no scientific evidence that it’s an effective treatment.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that Arsenicum benefits people with dry, scaly skin made worse by itching and better by applying heat. There’s no scientific evidence that it helps with psoriasis.

It’s also arsenic-based, so it can be dangerous if it contains more of the active ingredient than stated.

Graphites are used in homeopathy for people with long-term skin disorders and leathery, cracked skin. There’s only anecdotal evidence that it can help psoriasis symptoms.

There’s anecdotal evidence that sulfur reduces skin lesions and itching. Although using sulfur alone as homeopathic treatment is unproven, it may be mixed with proven psoriasis treatments, such as coal tar or salicylic acid.

There’s only anecdotal evidence that homeopathic treatments are effective for psoriasis or any other condition. Some homeopathic treatments can even be dangerous. Find a professional homeopath for psoriasis treatment in Bannerghatta Road,  to a doctor about all treatments you try or are interested in trying, including homeopathy.

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